Mercedes-Benz to Go All-Electric by the End of the Decade

According to Daimler, the manufacturer behind the Mercedes-Benz, all vehicles launched from 2025 onward will be electric-only. By  Sarah Marquart Jul 22, 2021 Published on Interesting Engineering. While Tesla may be a current leader in the electric car market, the company has some upcoming competition. Mercedes-Benz is planning to be all-electric by the end of the decade.  Luxury and sustainability […]

Eko Atlantic Multi Billion Dollar Project Advances To Phase 3

Despite COVID-19 slowdown, the development of Nigeria’s first green city, Eko Atlantic which is being constructed on land reclaimed from the Atlantic Ocean is moving at the projected pace as the multi-billion dollar project advances to phase 3. Standing on 10 million square metres of land and expected to add annual revenue of at least […]

What Is Real Estate

The real estate business can be divided into further parts like loan servicing, residential and commercial properties etc. Examples of residential real estate include undeveloped land, houses, condominiums, and townhouses; examples of commercial real estate are office buildings, warehouses, and retail store buildings; and examples of industrial real estate include factories, mines, and farms. Real estate […]


He came back with stack of cashEven with loads of fancy CarsThe blings on his raiment blinded them allMama Chinedu held her chest,When my pikin go be like this The depth of the potholes broke his wheelsHe cursed the chairman and even the chiefsBut just the other day he was given a 4milllon dollar bribe […]

Middle of No Where

In the middle of no whereWhere we had only the birdsWhere we were lostSo feeble and hungryWhen all seems lost and tough Expectations tarred with wearinessTime pasted with flames In timeEmotions came in creepingOur walls seemed weak and brokenOur minds raveled with the journey All we had was ourselvesThe sporadic intense of our bondsCreated an […]


The world hard and oddlies now slim fitted into regalia truthValues getting deep and lostRipped off very swift.. Gallant men been swept offTalent been wasted on truancyIndolence celebrated for stupidityNow all we got is insecurity Where there are poor graduateAnd rich criminals,Where monkeys eat cashEven snakes now swallow dollarsWhere all lost hope and cope Insanity […]

How Business Is Taking Over and What to Do About It

Take a closer look at these brainy chart-toppers By  Christopher McFadden Feb 11, 2021 Interesting Engineering The world’s richest engineers come from a variety of backgrounds and industries. If you search for the highest-paid jobs or what industry will earn you the most money, you would definitely find engineering near the top of the list. So who are these elusive, […]